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Religious School Registration for 2024-25


Please select your account in the box above and select a Religious School grade before submitting the form.

If you are paying by credit card, you will be billed 100% today. Otherwise, choose "Bill to my Account."

Parent Information

If you DO NOT wish your child(ren)'s picture to appear as part of a group in Temple Emanu-El's bulletin or other publications, please check this box.

Emergency Contacts

Carpool Permission

Please note that we may ask for identification
Please note that if the person you list is a parent, we may require you to supply us with appropriate documentation.

Student Information

Students in grades 4-7 must register and attend Religious School to become a Bar/Bat Mitzvah.
Fees in those grades provide for instruction by both faculty and clergy.
All emails sent to students will be CC'd to parent

Medical Info and Release

I hereby grant permission for my child(ren) to participate in all Temple youth programs, activities and events and do release Temple Emanu-El and its representatives from all liability arising out of my child’s participation in such activities. In addition, I, the undersigned parent/guardian of the above child(ren), do further certify that my child(ren) is physically able to participate in such activities. By selecting 'I agree'  below and by enrolling your child(ren) in Religious School at Temple Emanu-El, you indicate your agreement to the above terms and conditions
If your child carries an EpiPen, please make sure the teachers and staff are aware of where it can be found.

Payment Information

Amount due for this registration. You must fill out and pay for each child separately. To register another child, complete this registration and submit it, then create a new registration form for each additional child. If you have an accommodation on file, accounting will adjust this amount.
Religious School Tuition may be paid in one payment in September or it can be paid monthly on the 1st of each month beginning in September with the last payment on February 1st. Any other arrangements must be in place prior to filling out this registration. If you are requesting accommodation, please click here and submit the forms prior to registration.
Go here to make sure your credit card is on file:
To register another child, submit this form and start a new form for additional each child.
Thu, October 17 2024 15 Tishrei 5785